Melodic Distraction Radio host and Meraki founder, Karis Griffith talks about unicorns, self-
love and her passion for body grooving, soul soothing melodies.
One Thursday afternoon not too long ago I was sitting in a bicycle-come-coffee-shop
doodling flowers into my notebook and waiting for Liverpool’s favourite foxy lady to slink in
and join me. A couple of minutes later, Karis Griffith (also known by her artists name
Babylon Fox) strolled past my table with a carefree confidence not found in many people, as
I called her name she spun around and flashed me a beautifully honest smile. After our
hellos were shared and hot drinks ordered I settled back whilst Karis chatted her lunch break
away. In-between bites of falafel and hot soup Karis shared the story of her music journey so
far with me. From her experiences in events management to dancehall DJ sets, she knows
how to get a crowd shimmying.
Karis has been on the music scene for the past five years, having graduated from LIPA in
2015. Since then she has been seen working with the likes of Nightmares on Wax,
MoodyMann and Chic. Having worked for festivals such as Baltic Weekender and Outlook &
Dimensions, with a seemingly endless list of music events where in which she worked as
part of the events management team, Karis has built an astounding reputation for herself.
Events such as Sevenstore, Basement and of course, her new venture, Lime, have been
seen to sweep through Liverpool in recent years, creating a space for grinders, groovers and
body movers alike. Karis is an all-round creative individual, “If I can stick my finger in it, and
it works, I love it!” In addition to her music endeavours Karis has previously modelled for
Umbro, Mundail magazine, Sassoon and Shikoba Bride, and worked with artists LUNA and
OYA PAYA as artistic director for photoshoots and music videos. In 2016 Karis was a
founding member of Meraki. Although she is no longer a part of the venue, a piece of her
heart will always remain in that warehouse down the Northern Docks, Karis explains, “I
planted a seed, watered it and a beautiful flower has grown.” Karis is connected in mind, body and spirit, from the music she plays to the freedom and ease of her conversation; I can
see she is an open soul. She tells me, “I have three spirit animals; a fox, a lion and a
unicorn.” As she continues to talk to me about her music, I can see each of these energies
spilling out into her work; she is stealth, she is pride, and she is just a little bit mystical. Karis
takes her inspiration from a wide range of genres, in particular RnB, Jazz, Soul, Hip-Hop
and Dancehall. Her Melodic Distraction radio show, Bablyon Fox (the first Sunday of the
month 17:00-18:00), explores all things sexy and soulful, connecting people back into their
body; “I like whatever makes your body move” she tells me. Although radio is a fairly new
adventure for Karis, it seems a natural progression for her career; you can also catch her
playing on Balami Radio 21:00-22:00 the first Sunday of every month and covering for Sticky
Dub’s Natural Selection 18:00-19:00 on Melodic Distraction Radio.
Making music sexy is an empowering, and important, message for anyone to hear. Lime
(running bi-monthly at Zanzibar) offers a safe space celebrating the beauty and sensuality of
every person. “We have a ‘be nice or leave’ policy” Karis explains, “If you’re not bringing the
energy we want to create, you can go home.” Lime, ran by Karis and Doops.san, has
welcomed artists such as DJ BB, Onyx, Sticky Dub, Papu Raf, Elliot Ferguson and Tom
White bringing “sex to the dance floor” through afro-beat, grime, reggae and dancehall
mixes. Giving handheld fans and limes out to the crowd, as well as a spotlight wielding
videographer, Lime is proudly empowering. “It is a place where people can dress and move
whichever way they want to,” Karis tells me. At Lime there is space for everyone. Run by
true ambassadors of Liverpool’s music scene, the night brings a celebration of music,
culture, and ultimately, people.
As the afternoon slides by, the world windy and bright outside the coffee shop window, I ask
Karis about her experiences within the industry from the perspective of a woman. “Being a
young, ethnic woman has never hindered me- it’s a plus. It has always worked in my favour.
I would never think ‘I might not get this because I am a woman’ when applying for jobs etc.
It’s definitely comes down to your mindset, if you believe in yourself and your work then you
learn to use things to your advantage.” She tells me how Lime prides itself on feminine
energy and female empowerment, something Karis carries out through all of her work. “I am
not doing anything for anyone else, I am naturally a charming and out-going person and that
just works for me. You have to find what makes you memorable as an individual and
embrace it.” Women like Karis are a true inspiration, especially for young women within the
music industry. Body confidence, self-belief and shameless sensuality are not things we
should be shying away from, pleasure and freedom should be encouraged and celebrated
for all women. It is refreshing to hear such a positive experience from a female professional
within the arts industry, “If you are pretending to be something else, you are not doing you.
The brighter you shine, the more inspiration you create,” Karis tells me, “you’ve just got to be you, it’s as simple as that.”
Seemingly all-too-soon Karis’ lunch hour ends and as we stand to leave and goodbyes are
shared Karis tells me, “I am on a journey of ‘put yourself first’ and self-care.” Her inner
strength seeps into all aspects of her life, like a diamond she is shaped by many different
sides and angles, all fitting together to create something truly wonderful. In empowering
yourself, you empower others. In loving yourself, you can learn to love others. Through self-
care, love and acceptance, all fears, anxieties and jealousies melt away. As Liverpool
continues to grow in its ever changing, rich musical culture, it is people like Karis who are
helping pave the way for a new wave of artists. Through lifting others, we all grow, as a city,
as a world, and as individuals.
Catch Babylon Fox’s radio show on Melodic distraction the first Sunday of every month
17:00-18:00pm and be sure to dutty wine down at Zanzibar for the next Lime special.
Instagram: @babylon_fox
