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Rough Hearts.

Maybe we are all giants,

Forgotten how to keep quiet,

Maybe we lick the spoon,

Before the mixture is set and

Maybe that’s just us.

Paper cut and hearts rough,

Greedy souls and wanting eyes,

Keeping us alive.

Survival of the fittest,

Forget the ones who missed it,

The weak, the soft, the sentimental,

Will soon be lost in fading echo,

The dinosaurs have not died,

Warriors are the ones who tried,

Arrows and spears lie in tongues,

Crying tears to see what we’ve become,

So I wrap my heart in cling film,

To preserve the love I think I feel,

I forgot the taste of honey

For a while,

I swallowed mud and chalk,


I danced with the devil,

And burnt myself with fire,

I chased black rainbows,

And choked on the clay,

A hypnotic probiotic,

Robotic, and chaotically

Bled to life.

I skipped over razors blades,

And ran my tongue across ash

So I too became grey.

There’s nothing more to say,

Holding onto a paper tea cup,

Breathing ice and,

Sliding into silent skies,




Like a sunrise,

Behind the mountains,

Of all the great lives


What we did,

Look at what we made,

Colours still echo,

I remember the taste,

This is how is looks to fade,

How it feels to really let go,

For feet that once

Only knew speed,

I tell them to now go slow.

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